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2021 paperback edition cover
AuthorTerry Pratchett
Audio read byTony Robinson (Corgi)
Nigel Planer (Isis)
Sian Clifford (new)
Cover artistJosh Kirby
Release number
Publication date
Preceded byFeet of Clay 
Followed byJingo 


It's the night before Hogswatch. And it's too quiet.

There's snow, there're robins, there're trees covered with decorations, but there's a notable lack of the big fat man who delivers the toys...

Susan the governess has got to find him before morning, otherwise the sun won't rise. And unfortunately, her only helpers are a raven with an eyeball fixation, the Death of Rats and an oh god of hangovers.

Worse still, someone is coming down the chimney. This time he's carrying a sack instead of a scythe, but there's something regrettably familiar...

Ho. Ho. Ho.

It's true what they say.

'You'd better watch out...'

Podcast episodes

Major appearances

These are episodes primarily devoted to discussing this book.

Date Show Episode External link
2017-12-23 Radio Morpork “The Inner Baby-Sitters Club Christmas Special” radiomorpork.wordpress.com
2018-12-24 Dragon Babies “Hogfather, by Terry Pratchett” dragonbabiespodcast.com
2019-12-08 Pratchat “The Long Dark Mr Teatime of the Soul” pratchatpodcast.com
2019-12-17 No Deodorant in Outer Space “Hogfather (Terry Pratchett)”[1] libsyn.com
2019-12-29 Desert Island Discworld “Cara Ellison and Hogfather” desertislanddiscworld.com
2020-05-15 The Death of Podcasts “Hogfather” aalgar.com
2020-10-28 Wyrd Sisters “Hogfather” wyrdsisters.podbean.com
2021-05-25 The Compleat Discography “Hogfather” compleatdiscography.page
2021-08-29 Who Watches the Watch “Touch Hog” (1/3) pinecast.co
2021-09-20 Who Watches the Watch “Hog Father Summer” (2/3) pinecast.co
2021-09-26 Who Watches the Watch “More! Cowbell!!” (3/3) pinecast.co
2021-10-04 The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret “Entrailing Off” (1/3) thetruthshallmakeyefret.com
2021-10-11 The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret “Wassailutions” (2/3) thetruthshallmakeyefret.com
2021-10-18 The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret “I'm Glad We Got There” (3/3) thetruthshallmakeyefret.com
2021-12-25 Teaching My Cat to Read “Hogfather: Yes tiny child, you may have a sword” teachingmycattoread.wordpress.com
2022-07-06 Nanny Ogg's Book Club “Hogfather” libsyn.com
2022-12-12 Unseen Academicals “Hogfather, Part 1: The Power of Belief” (1/3) Anchor anchor.fm
2022-12-24 Unseen Academicals “Hogfather, Part 2: Happy Hogswatch” (2/3) anchor.fm
2022-12-24 Beyond the Bindings “Holiday Special: Hogfather” buzzsprout.com
2023-01-25 Fiction Fans “Hogfather by Terry Pratchett” fictionfanspodcast.com
2023-03-14 Disc Coverers “Hogfather” anchor.fm
2023-12-27 The Lorehounds “The Book Nook - E08 - Hogfather” thelorehounds.com
2024-12-10 I’ve Never Read Discworld “Book 20: Hogfather” spotify.com
2024-12-12 La Banda Magnética “La Importancia de Creer en Mentiras: Justicia, Ética y Hogfather”[2] spotify.com
2024-12-15 Mandymonium “Hogfather by Terry Pratchett” zencastr.com
2024-12-24 Functionally Literate “Hogfather” spotify.com

Other appearances

These are episodes in which there’s significant discussion of the book, but it’s not the main topic of conversation.

Date Show Episode External link
2022-12-09 The Turtle Reads “Soul Music and the Hogfather”[3] captivate.fm
2023-01-20 The Turtle Reads “Christmas Movies: Hogfather > Die Hard?”[4] captivate.fm
2023-12-25 Expertise is Overrated “The 2023 Christmas Special!”[5] podbean.com
2023-12-26 Emma’s ESL English “Christmas Reading from Terry Pratchett’s Hogfather”[6] spotify.com
2024-11-18 Offscript “The Hogfather”[7] spotify.com
2025-01-03 The Michael Muto Show “Hi there 2025”[8] podbean.com


External links


  1. This podcast also did an episode about Terry Pratchett's Hogfather. In previous episodes, they'd combined discussions of book and adaptation: one about Going Postal and Going Postal, and another about The Colour of Magic and Terry Pratchett's The Colour of Magic. Those episodes are listed in the "Other appearances" lists because of this split focus.
  2. In Spanish.
  3. Also discusses Soul Music, but doesn’t stay on topic.
  4. Also discusses Terry Pratchett's Hogfather.
  5. The Hogfather discussion is at the start; note that the hosts didn’t like it that much, and one of them listened to the abridged Tony Robinson audiobook.
  6. Emma reads an excerpt from the book. See the list of other podcasts about Pratchett for another episode of Emma’s ESL English where Emma uses examples of metaphors and similes from Pratchett’s works. She also returns to Discworld for the 2024 Christmas reading with The Last Hero.
  7. Compares the novel and the screen adaptation, Terry Pratchett's Hogfather.
  8. A general chat about things Michael has been watching and reading, including Hogfather; that part starts at around 7m48s. He makes a resolution to read more Pratchett in 2025.