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Cover of the 2023 Penguin edition of Jingo
2023 Penguin paperback, cover design by Leo Nickolls
AuthorTerry Pratchett
Audio read byTony Robinson (Corgi);
Nigel Planer (Isis)
Jon Culshaw (Penguin)
Cover artistJosh Kirby
Release number
Sub-seriesThe Watch
Publication date
Preceded byHogfather 
Followed byThe Last Continent 

Jingo is the twenty-first Discworld novel, and the fourth to star Sam Vimes and the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. It features an escalating conflict between Ankh-Morpork and nearby Klatch over the island of Leshp, which appears in the Circle Sea mid-way between the two nations. It also notably features the return of Leonard of Quirm in a major supporting role, and a sub-plot in which Vimes catches a glimpse of an alternate leg of the “trousers of time”.


Podcast episodes

Major appearances

These are episodes primarily devoted to discussing this book.

Date Show Episode External link
2018-04-04 Radio Morpork “Operation Desert Squirm” radiomorpork.wordpress.com
2020-01-08 Pratchat “Leshp Miserablés” pratchatpodcast.com
2020-06-15 The Death of Podcasts “Jingo” aalgar.com
2020-11-28 Wyrd Sisters “Jingo” wyrdsisters.podbean.com
2021-09-28 The Compleat Discography “Jingo” compleatdiscography.page
2021-10-24 Who Watches the Watch “Panic at the Jingo” (1/3) pinecast.co
2021-11-17 Who Watches the Watch “Non Fungible Jokin’” (2/3) pinecast.co
2021-11-24 Who Watches the Watch “Who Matches the Matchmakers: A Dating Podcast” (3/3) pinecast.co
2021-12-12 Desert Island Discworld “Diane Duane and Jingo” desertislanddiscworld.com
2022-01-10 The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret “Squid Skedaddle” (1/3) thetruthshallmakeyefret.com
2022-01-17 The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret “Does Neptune Need a Pedicure?” (2/3) thetruthshallmakeyefret.com
2022-01-24 The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret “Night Time in the Dessert” (3/3) thetruthshallmakeyefret.com
2022-07-21 Nanny Ogg's Book Club “Jingo” libsyn.com
2023-04-06 Fiction Fans “Jingo by Terry Pratchett” fictionfanspodcast.com
2023-05-26 Disc Coverers “Jingo” spotify.com
2025-01-21 I’ve Never Read Discworld “Book 21. Jingo” spotify.com

Other appearances

Episodes where there's significant discussion of the book, but it's not the focus of the episode.

Date Show Episode External link
2015-02-03 The Pratchett Podcast “EPISODE33” app.talkshoe.com


To be added: audiobooks.

External links
