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This is a list of the various games based on Pratchett’s works, most of which are not direct adaptations. We’ve put videogames and tabletop games into separate lists.


Title Release Date Abbr.[1] Based on Genre Format(s) Developer Publisher #[2]
The Colour of Magic 1986 The Colour of Magic Text adventure ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amstrad PC Delta 4 Pirahna 1
Discworld MUD 1991[3] The entire Discworld series Multi-User Dungeon[4] Web browser or MUD client The player community[5] N/A
Discworld 1995 DVG Guards! Guards! etc Point-and-click adventure DOS, Classic Mac, PlayStation, Sega Saturn Perfect Entertainment Psygnosis 8
Discworld II: Missing Presumed...!?[6] 1996 D2VG Reaper Man, Moving Pictures etc Point-and-click adventure DOS, Windows, PlayStation, Sega Saturn Perfect Entertainment Psygnosis/Sega 10, 11
Discworld Noir 1999 DN Original story Point-and-click adventure Windows, PlayStation Perfect Entertainment GT Interactive
Discworld: The Colour of Magic 2006-05-23 The Colour of Magic Puzzle game Mobile phones Blue Sphere Games Blue Sphere Games 1

Tabletop games

Title Release Date Inspired by[7] Format Designers Publisher #[2]
GURPS Discworld[8] 1998 Roleplaying game core rules Phil Masters Steve Jackson Games
Thud 2002 Thud![9] Hnafltafl-inspired board game Trevor Truran The Discworld Emporium 34
Ankh-Morpork 2011 The Ankh-Morpork books Competitive board game Martin Wallace Treefrog Games/Mayfair Games
Guards! Guards! 2011[10] Guards! Guards! and other novels Competitive board game Leonard Boyd and David Brashaw BackSpindle Games 8
The Witches 2013 The Witches and Tiffany Aching series Semi-cooperative board game Martin Wallace Treefrog Games/Mayfair Games
Clacks 2015[11] Going Postal Cooperative or competitive board game Leonard Boyd and David Brashaw BackSpindle Games 33
The Discworld Roleplaying Game[8] 2016 Roleplaying game core rules Phil Masters Steve Jackson Games
Good Omens: An Ineffable Game 2023 Good Omens Collection of seven card games Matt Hyra Renegade Games
Adventures in Ankh-Morpork[12] 2025 Roleplaying game core rules TBA Modiphius Entertaintment


  1. A template using this abbreviation has been set up to make linking to this game easier. Type the acronym in braces, e.g. {{DVG}} will produce Discworld. By convention, we’re hiding parenthetical distinctions like “(videogame)” which are needed to avoid clashes with existing articles. Where it’s not obvious in context, use a regular wiki link and be explicit, e.g. “also appeared in the Discworld adventure game”.
  2. 2.0 2.1 If the game is based on or heavily references a specific book, we’ll add it’s position in the Discworld series here. Where multiple stories were used as inspiration, we’ve listed all of them in order.
  3. It was opened to the public in 1992.
  4. If you’re not familiar with this term, it’s essentially a text-based MMORPG - on online roleplaying game.
  5. Discworld MUD has been massively expanded and continues to be maintained by a large subset of the player community. The folks credited with originally creating it in 1991 are David “Pinkfish” Bennett, Craig “Furball” Richmond, Sean A. “Lynscar” Reith and Evan Scott. Derek "Ceres” Harding and Jacqui "Sojan” Greenland are also named as major contributors.
  6. Released as Discworld II: Mortality Bytes! in the US.
  7. The work or works on which this game draws.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Three books were released for this first official Discworld roleplaying game; we’ve listed the editions separately, but all will appear in the one article.
  9. In this case, the game of Thud was inspired by the relationship between dwarfs and trolls in the Discworld novels; Pratchett then liked the game so much it inspired him to write Thud!.
  10. A revised edition with updated rules was released in 2012.
  11. An Anniversary or Collector’s Edition was released in 2021 with some different components, cover art, additional cards and additional rules.
  12. Announced on February 29, 2024, and funded via a massive crowdfunding campaign in October-November 2024. This is intended as the first in a series of Discworld roleplaying and other tabletop games.