I’ve Never Read Discworld

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I’ve Never Read Discworld
Hosted byP J Hart, Andy Luke
Audio formatmp3
No. of seasons1
No. of episodes1 (so far)
Original release18 September 2022 – present

Publisher Description

A podcast exploring Pratchett's Discworld one book at a time with city watcher @pjhart86 and tourist @andrewluke (Keep im spoiler-free pls!)

Further Information


To be added.


To be added.



The table below indexes all episodes of this podcast. They are listed by default in release order, and use the podcast's own numbering scheme.

# Episode Date Book/Subject Episode link DW#[1]
1 “Book 1. The Colour of Magic” 2022-09-18 The Colour of Magic Anchor 1
2 “Book 2. THE LIGHT FANTASTIC” 2022-10-20 The Light Fantastic Anchor 2
3 “Ep. 3 The Colour of Magic REDUX: TV, Comics” 2022-11-02 TV and graphic novel adaptations of first two novels Anchor 1
4 “Book 3. EQUAL RITES” 2022-11-24 Equal Rites Anchor 3
5 “Book 4. Mort” 2022-12-17 Mort Anchor 4
6 “Book 5. Sourcery” 2023-01-25 Sourcery Anchor 5
7 “Book 6. Wyrd Sisters” 2023-02-20 Wyrd Sisters Anchor 6
8 “Book 7. Pyramids” 2023-04-03 Pyramids Spotify 7
9 “Book 8. Guards! Guards!” 2023-05-09 Guards! Guards! Spotify 8
10 “Book 9: Eric” 2023-06-19 Eric Spotify 9
11 “Book 10. Moving Pictures” 2023-07-10 Moving Pictures Spotify 10
12 “Book 11. Reaper Man” 2023-08-05 Reaper Man Spotify 11
13 “Ep. 13 Mort: A Big Comic” 2023-10-10 Graphic novel adaptation of Mort Spotify 4
14 “Book 12. Witches Abroad” 2023-11-07 Witches Abroad Spotify 12
15 “Ep. 14 Casting Couch!” 2023-12-12 Discworld fan-casting Spotify
16 “Ep 15 The Magic of Terry Pratchett (ft. Marc Burrows)” 2024-01-20 The Magic of Terry Pratchett Spotify
17 “Book 13: Small Gods” 2024-02-14 Small Gods Spotify 13
18 “Book 14. Lords and Ladies” 2024-03-20 Lords and Ladies Spotify 14
19 “Book 15. Men at Arms” 2024-04-16 Men at Arms Spotify 15
20 “Ep. 19 Wyrd Sisters Animated Commentary”[2] 2024-05-13 Wyrd Sisters Spotify 6
21 “Book 16. Soul Music” 2024-06-18 Soul Music Spotify 16
22 “Book 17. Interesting Times” 2024-07-15 Interesting Times Spotify 17
23 “Book 18. Maskerade” 2024-08-23 Maskerade Spotify 18
24 “Book 19. Feet of Clay” 2024-09-23 Feet of Clay Spotify 19
25 “Book 22b. The Sea and Little Fishes” 2024-10-22 The Sea and Little Fishes Spotify 22a
26 “TROLL BRIDGE”[3] 2024-11-18 Troll Bridge” and Troll Bridge Spotify 12a
27 “Book 20: Hogfather” 2024-12-10 Hogfather Spotify 20
28 “Book 21. Jingo” 2025-01-21 Jingo Spotify 21


  1. Sort by this column to get episodes in the Discworld publication order. Non-Discworld books (and episodes about other topics) leave this column blank, though we’ve taken a bit of license and given direct adaptations the same order number as the source book.
  2. It’s not clear if this episode has the wrong date or the wrong episode number, but as its the only episode with a date in May we’ve placed it here.
  3. Features a contribution from academic Arsalan Haider Ali.