Equal Rites

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Equal Rites
Catalan translation cover by Marina Vidal
AuthorTerry Pratchett
Audio read byTony Robinson (Corgi)
Celia Imrie (Isis)
Indira Varma (Penguin)
Cover artistJosh Kirby (original)
Marina Vidal (Mai Més Catalan edition)
Release number
Publication date
Preceded byThe Light Fantastic 
Followed byMort 

Equal Rites is the third Discworld novel and introduces the characters of Granny Weatherwax and Eskarina Smith. It is the first standalone novel of the series.


The last thing the wizard Drum Billet did, before Death laid a bony hand on his shoulder, was to pass on his staff of power to the eighth son of an eighth son. Unfortunately for his colleagues in the chauvinistic (not to say misogynistic) world of magic, he failed to check on the new-born baby's sex.

Podcast episodes

Major appearances

These are episodes primarily devoted to discussing this book.

Date Show Episode External link
2015-09-06 Radio Morpork “A Dungeon Dimension of One's Own” radiomorpork.wordpress.com
2019-01-15 The Death of Podcasts “Equal Rites” aalgar.com
2019-03-28 Wyrd Sisters “Equal Rites” wyrdsisters.podbean.com
2019-11-08 Pratchat “Eskist Attitudes” pratchatpodcast.com
2019-12-01 Desert Island Discworld “Amal El-Mohtar and Equal Rites” desertislanddiscworld.com
2020-01-06 The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret “My Knee Doesn't Have Lungs” (1/3) thetruthshallmakeyefret.com
2020-01-13 The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret “Haitches Hon Heverything” (2/3) thetruthshallmakeyefret.com
2020-01-20 The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret “Crumbs All Up in There” (3/3) thetruthshallmakeyefret.com
2020-02-25 The Compleat Discography “Equal Rites” compleatdiscography.page
2020-07-10 Who Watches the Watch “Staffing Issues” (1/2) who-watches-the-watch.pinecast.co
2020-07-15 Who Watches the Watch “Granny WILFerwax” (2/2) who-watches-the-watch.pinecast.co
2020-10-21 The Disc-Course “Glocky Weatherwax” (1/4) shows.acast.com
2020-11-04 The Disc-Course “Assigned Staff at Birth” (2/4) shows.acast.com
2020-11-18 The Disc-Course “Quantum Magics” (3/4) shows.acast.com
2020-12-02 The Disc-Course “The Gender Fluid” (4/4) shows.acast.com
2021-02-21 Disc Coverers “Equal Rites” anchor.fm
2021-02-24 Stuck on Arrakis “Discworld Book Three” buzzsprout.com
2021-04-04 Unseen Academicals “Equal Rites” anchor.fm
2021-12-22 Nanny Ogg's Book Club “Equal Rites” fireside.fm
2022-11-24 I’ve Never Read Discworld “Book 3. EQUAL RITES” fireside.fm
2023-07-12 Kapitel Eins “Episode 118: Das Erbe des Zauberers”[1] libsyn.com
2023-09-10 Trash or Treasure? “Terry Pratchett’s ‘Equal Rites’” buzzsprout.com
2023-10-16 The Book Life[2] “Book Review: Equal Rites” podbean.com
2023-11-27 Nerds of Legend “Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett”[3] spotify.com
2024-01-24 Dining Table Discworld “Equal Rites” podbean.com
2024-03-25 Even Foot Notes “Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett” acast.com
2024-05-08 Spilled Inklings “Equal Rites” spotify.com
2024-08-01 Discworld Order “E02 - Equal Rites” spotify.com
2024-12-16 Echoes Underground “Terry Pratchett 3: Equal Rites” echoes-underground.com

Other appearances

Episodes where there's significant discussion of the book, but it's not the focus of the episode.

Date Show Episode External link
2012-07-08 The Pratchett Podcast “The Pratchett Podcast episode 9” thepratchettpodcast.wordpress.com[4]
2021-04-14 Fiction Fans “Mexican Gothic & Equal Rites” fictionfanspodcast.com
2022-08-23 My Hill to Die On[5] “Rite to be a Wizard” myhilltodieon.com
2023-07-04 The Turtle Reads “Equal Rites for Witches and Whores” captivate.fm
2024-11-08 Meče • Mýty • Magie “Čarodějky Zeměplochy – Bábi Zlopočasná, Stařenka Oggová a Magráta Česneková”[6] spotify.com

External links


  1. In German, about the German translation Das Erbe des Zauberers, “The Wizard's Legacy”.
  2. Also reviewed Guards! Guards! in November 2020.
  3. This episode’s description begins “Once again the Nerds find themselves on Discworld”, but we’ve been unable to find any previous episodes covering the first two books or even referring to Discworld or Terry Pratchett. Let us know if you find any!
  4. Post with info only; audio no longer available.
  5. Have also done episodes containing discussions of Mort, Wyrd Sisters, Guards! Guards! and Reaper Man.
  6. In Czech. Discusses Equal Rites, Wyrd Sisters, Witches Abroad and Lords and Ladies.