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| 2023-07-31 || {{TTR}} || “Lords and Ladies, I just crapped my pants (hold for applause)” || [https://player.captivate.fm/episode/c01492ea-055d-4fed-910f-2cf99ef5b692 captivate.fm]
| 2023-07-31 || {{TTR}} || “Lords and Ladies, I just crapped my pants (hold for applause)” || [https://player.captivate.fm/episode/c01492ea-055d-4fed-910f-2cf99ef5b692 captivate.fm]
| 2024-11-08 || {{MMM}} || “Čarodějky Zeměplochy – Bábi Zlopočasná, Stařenka Oggová a Magráta Česneková”<ref>In Czech. Discusses {{ER}}, {{WS}}, {{WA}} and ''Lords and Ladies''.</ref> || [https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mece-myty-magie/episodes/24--arodjky-Zemplochy--Bbi-Zlopoasn--Staenka-Oggov-a-Magrta-esnekov-e2qm83h spotify.com]

Latest revision as of 01:34, 27 December 2024

Lords and Ladies
AuthorTerry Pratchett
Audio read byTony Robinson (Corgi);
Nigel Planer (Isis)
Indira Varma (Penguin)
Cover artistJosh Kirby
Release number
Publication date
Preceded bySmall Gods 
Followed byMen at Arms 


It's a hot Midsummer Night. The crop circles are turning up everywhere – even on the mustard-and-cress of Pewsey Ogg, aged four. And Magrat Garlick, witch, is going to be married in the morning...

Everything ought to be going like a dream. But the Lancre All-Comers Morris Team have got drunk on a fairy mound and the elves have come back, bringing all those things traditionally associated with the magical, glittering realm of Faerie: cruelty, kidnapping, malice and evil, evil murder.[1] Granny Weatherwax and her tiny argumentative coven have really got their work cut out this time...

With full supporting cast of dwarfs, wizards, trolls, Morris Dancers and one orang-utan. And lots of hey-nonny-nonny and blood all over the place.

Podcast episodes

Major appearances

These are episodes primarily devoted to discussing this book.

Date Show Episode External link
2017-09-06 Radio Morpork “The Unfair Folk” radiomorpork.wordpress.com
2019-03-08 Pratchat “Midsummer (Elf) Murders” pratchatpodcast.com
2019-11-15 The Death of Podcasts “Lords and Ladies” aalgar.com
2019-12-22 Desert Island Discworld “Kelly Kanayama and Lords and Ladies” desertislanddiscworld.com
2020-03-28 Wyrd Sisters “Lords and Ladies” wyrdsisters.podbean.com
2021-01-26 The Compleat Discography “Lords and Ladies” compleatdiscography.page
2021-03-01 The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret “Or Not to Bee” (1/3) thetruthshallmakeyefret.com
2021-03-08 The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret “Jodphurs and Hagstones” (2/3) thetruthshallmakeyefret.com
2021-03-15 The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret “Abstract Concept, Spiky Chariot” (3/3) thetruthshallmakeyefret.com
2021-03-06 Who Watches the Watch “Amanita Phalloides Nutz” (1/3) pinecast.co
2021-03-15 Who Watches the Watch “Heated Bursar Moment” (2/3) pinecast.co
2021-03-27 Who Watches the Watch “Oops” (3/3)[2] pinecast.co
2021-07-31 Unseen Academicals “Lords and Ladies - Part 1” (1/2) anchor.fm
2021-08-28 Unseen Academicals “Lords and Ladies - Part 2” (2/2) anchor.fm
2022-04-13 Nanny Ogg's Book Club “Lords and Ladies (and Troll Bridge)”[3] fireside.fm
2022-04-13 Fiction Fans “Lords and Ladies by Terry Pratchett” www.fictionfanspodcast.com
2024-03-20 I’ve Never Read Discworld “Book 14. Lords and Ladies” spotify.com

Other appearances

These are episodes which feature significant discussion of the book, but where there’s either significant time spent talking about something else, or it’s just not the main topic.

Date Show Episode External link
2023-07-31 The Turtle Reads “Lords and Ladies, I just crapped my pants (hold for applause)” captivate.fm
2024-11-08 Meče • Mýty • Magie “Čarodějky Zeměplochy – Bábi Zlopočasná, Stařenka Oggová a Magráta Česneková”[4] spotify.com


To be added: audiobooks.

External links


  1. But with tons of style.
  2. This episode is only the first half of the discussion, as the rest of the recording was lost.
  3. This episode is mainly about Lords and Ladies, but also discusses “Troll Bridge”.
  4. In Czech. Discusses Equal Rites, Wyrd Sisters, Witches Abroad and Lords and Ladies.