Discworld Books and Stories

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This is the list of all the Discworld novels, plus associated books and short stories. For Pratchett's other works, see the separate list of non-Discworld books. For other books not written by Pratchett, see the list of other authors.

Discworld Novels

The majority of podcasts are only reading these.

# Title Publication Date Wiki Shortcut Series L-Space wiki link
1 The Colour of Magic 1983-11-24 TCOM Rincewind
2 The Light Fantastic 1986-06-02 TLF Rincewind
3 Equal Rites 1987-01-15 ER Witches
4 Mort 1987-11-12 M Death
5 Sourcery 1988-05-26 S Rincewind
6 Wyrd Sisters 1988-11-12 WS Witches
7 Pyramids 1989-06-15 P
8 Guards! Guards! 1989-11-09 GG The Watch
9 Eric 1990-08-16 E Rincewind
10 Moving Pictures 1990-11-08 MP
11 Reaper Man 1991-05-23 RM Death
12 Witches Abroad 1991-11-07 WA Witches
13 Small Gods 1992-05-21 SG
14 Lords and Ladies 1992-11-05 LL Witches
15 Men at Arms 1993-11-11 MAA The Watch
16 Soul Music 1994-05-19 SM Death
17 Interesting Times 1994-11-02 IT Rincewind
18 Maskerade 1995-11-02 M!!! Witches
19 Feet of Clay 1996/06/06 FOC The Watch
20 Hogfather 1996/11/07 H Death
21 Jingo 1997/11/06 J The Watch
22 The Last Continent 1998/05/11 TLC Rincewind
23 Carpe Jugulum 1998/11/05 CJ Witches
24 The Fifth Elephant 1999/11/04 T5E The Watch
25 The Truth 2000/11/02 TT
26 Thief of Time 2001/05/01 TOT Death
27 The Last Hero 2001/10/16 TLH Rincewind
28 The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents 2001/11/01 TAMAHER
29 Night Watch 2002/11/05 NW The Watch
30 The Wee Free Men 2003/05/01 TWFM Tiffany
31 Monstrous Regiment 2003/09/30 MR
32 A Hat Full of Sky 2004/04/29 AHFOS Tiffany
33 Going Postal 2004/09/28 GP Moist
34 Thud! 2005/09/13 T! The Watch
35 Wintersmith 2006/09/26 W Tiffany
36 Making Money 2007/09/18 MM Moist
37 Unseen Academicals 2009/10/06 UA Wizards
38 I Shall Wear Midnight 2010/09/02 ISWM Tiffany
39 Snuff 2011/10/11 SN The Watch
40 Raising Steam 2013/11/07 RS Moist
41 The Shepherd's Crown 2016/06/02 TSC Tiffany

Other Discworld books

To be added.