
From Guild of Recappers & Podcasters
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No. of seasons1
No. of episodes30 (so far)
Original release6 December 2021 – present

Publisher Description

In diesem Podcast geht es um Terry Pratchett und das Hörbuch "Total verhext" gesprochen von Katharina Thalbach. Im Englischen "witches abroad". Dies ist ein Podcast auf Deutsch. Das Buch wird Kapitel für Kapitel besprochen.

Wir werden einmal wöchentlich eine neue Folge veröffentlichen.

Feedback gerne unter:

In English

Note that this is an amateur translation using online tools.

This podcast is about Terry Pratchett and the audio book "Totally Hexed" read by Katharina Thalbach. In English "witches abroad". This is a podcast in German. The book is discussed chapter by chapter.

We'll be releasing a new episode once a week.

Feedback under:

Further information


To be added


  • The audiobook discussed is an abridged version, 7 hours and 15 minutes in duration, and according to some sources published in 2008, meaning it's based on the original Andreas Brandhorst translation from 1994. A later unabridged audiobook, narrated by Annette Frier and released in 2016, is ten hours and 37 minutes long. That seems likely to be the later translation by Regina Rawlinson, first published in 2012.
  • While we don't know how many chapters the German audiobook has, the titles indicate the podcast is not yet finished; chapter 20 seems to be part of the riverboat sequence, since the translated titles for chapters 18, 19 and 20 are "Poker on the Mississippi", "Let the game begin" and "The cards are played”.
  • This podcast is no longer available.


  • Lars
  • Franzi


The table below indexes episodes of this podcast. They are listed by default in release order, and use the podcast's own numbering scheme.

# Episode Title Date Book/Subject External link
1 “Allgemeines über SirTerry” 2021-12-06 Introduction Podigee
2 “Kapitel 1 oder die Story beginnt” 2021-12-06 Chapter 1 of Witches Abroad Podigee
3 “Kapitel 2 Desideratas Dialog mit dem Tod” 2021-12-06 Chapter 2 of Witches Abroad Podigee
4 “Kapitel 3 Die drei Hexen” 2021-12-06 Chapter 3 of Witches Abroad Podigee
5 “Kapitel 4 Hexen suchen Desideratas Erbe” 2021-12-06 Chapter 4 of Witches Abroad Podigee
6 “Kapitel 5 Ein Spiegel zerbricht” 2021-12-06 Chapter 5 of Witches Abroad Podigee
7 “Kapitel 6 Franzi reicht den Salbei” 2021-12-07 Chapter 6 of Witches Abroad Podigee
8 “Kapitel 7 Ein Hoch auf die PSYKOLOGIE” 2021-12-11 Chapter 7 of Witches Abroad Podigee
9 “Kapitel 8 oder Grüße an Viericks” 2021-12-18 Chapter 8 of Witches Abroad Podigee
10 “Weihnachts-Special:Das Weihnachtsgeschenk” 2021-12-20 Christmas special Podigee
11 “Kapitel 9: Es ist kalt auf dem Besen” 2021-12-24 Chapter 9 of Witches Abroad Podigee
12 “Das Igellied:Special” 2021-12-27 Special: The Hedgehog Song Podigee
13 “Franzis Geheime Folge” 2021-12-31 Franzis Secret Episode Podigee
14 “Kapitel 10: Alles ist Kürbis” 2021-12-31 Chapter 10 of Witches Abroad Podigee
15 “Hogswatch Special” 2022-01-03 Hogswatch Podigee
16 “Special: Yetis, Mönche, Igel, 1000Elefanten, Zwergensprache” 2022-01-07 “Yetis, monks, hedgehogs, 1,000 elephants, dwarf language” Podigee
17 “Kapitel 11: Hexen im Ruderboot” 2022-01-10 Chapter 11 of Witches Abroad Podigee
18 “Kapitel 12: Nasse Hexen und das Wesen der Magie?” 2022-01-14 Chapter 12 of Witches Abroad Podigee
19 “Kapitel 13: Eine unruhige Nacht” 2022-01-20 Chapter 13 of Witches Abroad Podigee
20 “Kapitel 14: Frau Gogols hellseherisches Gumbo” 2022-01-30 Chapter 14 of Witches Abroad Podigee
21 “Kapitel 15: Abschied aus Transsilvanien” 2022-01-30 Chapter 15 of Witches Abroad Podigee
22 “Special: Wie wird man magisch Praktizierender?” 2022-02-02 “How to become a magical practitioner?” Podigee
23 “Kapitel 16: Fremde Länder, fremdes Essen.” 2022-02-04 Chapter 16 of Witches Abroad Podigee
24 “Kapitel 17: Mardi Gras” 2022-02-06 Chapter 17 of Witches Abroad Podigee
25 “Special: Krieg, Tod und andere Gottheiten der Scheibenwelt” 2022-03-01 War, Death and other Discworld deities Podigee
26 “Kapitel 18: Pokern auf dem Mississippi” 2022-03-06 Chapter 18 of Witches Abroad Podigee
27 “Kapitel 19: Lass das Spiel beginnen!” 2022-03-14 Chapter 19 of Witches Abroad Podigee
28 “Kapitel 20: Die Karten sind gespielt” 2022-03-19 Chapter 20 of Witches Abroad Podigee
