
From Guild of Recappers & Podcasters
Revision as of 03:43, 19 December 2021 by Ben (talk | contribs) (Updated to hopefully find and use book pages)
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This template allows our book shortcut templates to link to this wiki, the L-Space wiki or Wikipedia (and may include other options later). It's intended for use inside individual book shortcut templates like {{COM}}, which by default links to The Colour of Magic.


The template expects one to three unnamed parameters, in order: {{BookShortcut|Title|Destination|Link name}}

  • The Title is the title of the book, and is always required. If this is the only parameter, it will produce a local link - e.g. {{BookShortcut|Diggers}} produces: Diggers
  • The template checks for and uses an article with " (book)" at the end, to avoid linking to disambiguation pages, e.g. {{BookShortcut|Wyrd Sisters}} should link to Wyrd Sisters, not "Wyrd Sisters".
  • The Destination parameter is required if linking externally to one of the defined alternate locations; the list below documents these. e.g. {{BookShortcut|Diggers|ls}} produces: Diggers
  • The Link name parameter is only used when one of the defined external sites uses a different page or article name for this book. If it's omitted, the link will be to the title defined in the first parameter.
    e.g. {{BookShortcut|Diggers|w|The Nome Trilogy#Diggers (1990)}} produces: Diggers

The intent is to keep the shortcut templates simple, so all an editor needs to do is specify the destination; the alternate names for L-Space and Wikipedia etc should be specified within the template. This does make creating some of those shortcuts a bit more tedious, but will hopefully be worth it in the long run. Further documentation is coming for how to do this.

Destinations supported

  • ls - the L-Space wiki. This uses the "lsb:" inter-wiki prefix, which adds the "Book:" namespace to the link.
  • w - Wikipedia. This uses the standard inter-wiki link prefix of "wikipedia:".