Pratchett Podcasts

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This is the master list of Terry Pratchett, Discworld and Good Omens podcasts for this wiki. "Pratchett-ish" podcasts are in a separate table at the bottom of this page. We're also working on some lists of other podcasts with episodes about these topics, and all the podcasts with their own articles here will appear in the Podcasts category.

The table is sortable; the default order is active and complete podcasts by launch date, then inactive or unavailable ones, also by launch date.

Podcast Launch date[1] Status[2] Abbr.[3] Official website Area of interest
Radio Morpork 2015-08-10 Complete RMP Discworld novels
Pratchat 2017-10-08 Active PC Every Pratchett book, plus other works
The Death of Podcasts 2018-11-14 Complete DOP Discworld novels
Wyrd Sisters 2019-01-28 Complete WSP Discworld and some other novels
The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret 2019-11-04 Complete[4] MYF Discworld novels, adaptations, and other Pratchett works
Desert Island Discworld 2019-11-24 Complete DID Discworld and other Pratchett books
The Compleat Discography 2020-01-13 Complete[5] TCD Discworld novels
Disc Coverers 2020-11-29 Active DCP Discworld novels
Unseen Academicals 2021-04-04 Active UAP[6] Discworld novels; academic angle
I’ve Never Read Discworld 2022-09-18 Active NRD Discworld novels
Dining Table Discworld 2023-11-19 Active DTD Discworld novels
Discworld Order 2024-06-29 Active DWO Discworld novels
Oktarin 2024-09-09 Active OKT Discworld novels and Good Omens TV series; in German
The Turtle Moves 2008[7] Unavailable TTM Discworld lore
The Pratchett Podcast 2011-10-24 Inactive[8] TPP N/A (see entry) Pratchett/Discworld reviews and news
La Universidad Invisible 2016-02-01 Inactive LUI Discworld (and broader fantasy) lore; in Spanish
Ankh-Morpork Public Radio 2016-09-21 Unavailable AMPR Discworld novels
Welcome to the End Times 2019-03-31 Inactive WTTET Good Omens and Good Omens (season 1)
Tales From the Drum[9] 2019-04-19 Unavailable TFTD Discworld lore
The Fangirl Zone: Good Omens 2019-05-15 Inactive GOFZ Good Omens (season 1)
Good Omens Podcast 2019-05-23 Inactive GOTPI Good Omens (season 1 and 2)
The Good Omens Podcast 2019-06-04 Inactive GOAB Good Omens (season 1)
Good Omens Recap 2019-06-26 Unavailable GORF[10] Good Omens (season 1)
And he said to me 2019-12-22 Unavailable AHSTM Personal stories of Pratchett
Who Watches the Watch 2020-05-05 Inactive[11] WWTW The Watch and Discworld novels
The Disc-Course 2020-07-01 Inactive TDC Discworld novels
Pterry Ptalk 2021-01-03 Inactive PP Discworld novels and adaptations
A Tartaruga se Move 2021-01-28 Inactive ATM Discworld novels; in Brazilian/Portuguese
Ook! 2021-04-11 Inactive O! Discworld novels
Nanny Ogg's Book Club 2021-09-19 Inactive NOBC Discworld novels
Klatschianischer Kaffee 2021-11-20 Unavailable KK Discworld lore; in German
Pterrylog 2021-12-06 Unavailable PL Total verhext (Witches Abroad) audiobook; in German
Hubward Bound 2022-05-13 Inactive HB Discworld novels
The Turtle Reads 2022-12-09 Inactive TTR Discworld and other novels and comics
Pseudopolis Yard 2023-05-25 Inactive PY Discworld novels

Pratchett-ish Podcasts

These podcasts contain a significant amount[12] of Pratchett content, but are more broadly themed. Most are general book podcasts which feature the Discworld novels amongst many others.

Podcast Launch date[1] Status[2] Abbr.[3] Official website Area of interest
Dragon Babies 2016-09-16 Active DB Young Adult fantasy books
Librorum 2018-01-29 Active LIB Short book reviews; in Spanish
Teaching My Cat to Read 2020-09-06 Active TMC General fiction; mostly classics and modern fantasy
Trash or Treasure? 2020-11-29 Active TOTP Book recommendations, mostly romance
Fiction Fans 2021-02-03 Active[13] FF General fiction; read all the Discworld books, and other Pratchett
The Wayward Dragons 2021-10-21[14] Active WD General nerdy pop culture reviews, including the Discworld books
Books w/ Bitches 2022-04-07 Active BWB General book club
Books Are Magical 2022-09-05[15] Active BAM General fiction; focus on books that can “make us better humans”
Just Dads Reading Books 2023-01-14 Active JDRB Children’s and young adult fiction
Wallowing in the Shallows 2023-09-08 Active WITS[16] TV and film pop culture
Meče • Mýty • Magie 2024-01-22 Active MMM In Czech; fantasy literature and adaptations
Fantasy Talks Live 2024-03-30 Active FTL Fantasy literature interviews and discussions; “Discworld Deep Dive” series
Echoes Underground 2024-09-29 Active EU Philosophical musings; examining the Discworld books[17]
Stuck on Arrakis 2018-09-16[18] Inactive SOA Intimidating sci-fi and fantasy series
Beyond the Bindings 2021-03-17 Inactive BTB General fiction, with lots of fantasy
Wikid Lizardz[19] 2021-04-24 Inactive WL Single episode, a biography of Terry Pratchett
Northern Wind Fantasy Podcast 2021-09-06 Inactive NWF Fantasy fiction
Spilled Inklings 2024-03-14 Inactive SI Fantasy literature and associated media[20]

Podcast Status

We try to update the status of the podcasts regularly; check the footnote on each table to see when it was last updated.

Here's an explanation of what our statuses mean:

  • Active” means the podcast is in production and new episodes are being released.
  • Complete” indicates the podcast has achieved its specific goal (e.g. discussing every Discworld book) or otherwise officially ended.
  • Inactive” means the podcast is not currently in production as far as we can tell.
  • Unavailable” means the podcast's episodes are no longer available from a public RSS feed or other reliably accessible source.

We usually wait a few months before marking a show as inactive; life takes precedence over podcasting for most fancasts, after all![21] Note that podcasts can and do return from long hiatuses, but a span of longer than six months off-air is rare, especially if the show is not well established. We’ve marked podcasts that covered the first season of Good Omens as “Inactive” if they’ve not returned for the second season, which is most of the ones that sprung up around the time of initial broadcast.


  1. 1.0 1.1 We use the original publication date of the first episode, not including trailers. Most podcasts have an introductory "episode zero"; those count!
  2. 2.0 2.1 As of 9 November 2024.
  3. 3.0 3.1 A template with this abbreviated name has been set up to allow for quickly linking to this podcast. Type the acronym in braces, e.g. {{RMP}} will produce Radio Morpork. For more details, see Template:BookShortcut.
  4. Completed the novels with The Shepherd's Crown in November 2024, but The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret have indicated they will continue in some format.
  5. After “compleating” the novels with their The Shepherd's Crown episode in June 2023, The Compleat Discography started a second season covering other Discworld works, kicking off with an episode about Tiffany Aching’s Guide to Being a Witch. No further episodes have been released so far.
  6. Switched from Sounder to Anchor in early 2023.
  7. It's difficult to date The Turtle Moves episodes, but 2008 is probably accurate, making it a pretty early podcast. See the show's page for more.
  8. Only the last thirty or so episodes are still available.
  9. Previously known as The Discworld Portal and a a variety of other names.
  10. The website no longer exists, though the URL does point to a placeholder page.
  11. As of 9 November 2024, the last episode was released in May 2024.
  12. At the moment we’re pretty loose about how we define this; basically the yardstick is “at least a few Pratchett-centric episodes, especially if they are doing them regularly, or read a lot of other authors popular with Pratchett podcasts”. Feel free to suggest other shows we should include!
  13. Finished re-reading all the Discworld books in December 2024, but as a general book podcast will continue. The hosts intend to continue reading other Pratchett books.
  14. Announced their Discworld series in January 2025.
  15. The listed date is a year earlier, but this seems to be an error based on the dates of all other episodes.
  16. No dedicated website; the page only links to the RSS feed and Spotify.
  17. The reasons for this are more or less given in episode 7. They sometimes refer to “Terry Pratchett books”, but it’s clear they’re only going to read the Discworld ones.
  18. Note that Stuck on Arrakis didn't start reading the Discworld books until season two, which began on 7 October 2020.
  19. Appears in podcast directories as just "Terry Pratchett", but the host identifies the show as Wikid Lizardz.
  20. Their first project is covering all of Discworld, but we’ve put them in the Pratchet-ish list because they intend to have a broader remit. (Their first episode mentions they have considered doing Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time, too.)
  21. For contrast, professional podcast statistics seem to consider a podcast active if it has released a new episode in the last 45 days.